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Optimisation des systèmes de Production
Liste des articles
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Derniers dépôts
Saïf Benjaafar, Jean-Philippe Gayon, Seda Tepe. Optimal Control of a Production-Inventory System with Customer Impatience.
Operations Research Letters
, 2010, 38 (4), pp.267-272.
Jean-Philippe Gayon, Isilay Talay-Degirmenci, F. Karaesmen, L. Örmeci. Optimal Pricing and Production Policies of a Make-to-Stock System with Fluctuating Demand.
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
, 2009, 23 (2), pp.205-230.
Guillaume Massonnet, Jean-Philippe Gayon, Christophe Rapine. Approximation algorithms for deterministic continous-review inventory lot-sizing problems with time-varying demand.
European Journal of Operational Research
, 2014, 234 (3), pp.641-649.
Simme Douwe Flapper, Jean-Philippe Gayon, Lâm Laurent Lim. On the optimal control of manufacturing and remanufacturing activities with a single shared server.
European Journal of Operational Research
, 2014, 234 (1), pp.86-98.
Jean-Philippe Gayon, Francis de Véricourt, F. Karaesmen. Stock rationing in a multi-class make-to-stock queue with information on the production status.
IIE Transactions
, 2009, 41 (12), pp.1096-1109.
Samuel Vercraene, Jean-Philippe Gayon, Simme Douwe Flapper. Coordination of manufacturing, remanufacturing and returns acceptance in hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing systems.
International Journal of Production Economics
, 2014, 148, pp.62-70.
Mohamed Hichem Zerhouni, Jean-Philippe Gayon, Yannick Frein. Influence of dependency between demands and returns in a reverse logistics system.
International Journal of Production Economics
, 2013, 143 (1), pp.62-71.
Jean-Philippe Gayon, Saïf Benjaafar, Francis de Véricourt. Using Imperfect Demand Information in Production-Inventory Systems with Multiple Demand Classes.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
, 2009, 11 (1), pp.128-143.
Michaël Gabay, Nadia Brauner, Vladimir Kotov. Improved Lower Bounds for the Online Bin~Stretching Problem. 2013.
Gerd Finke, Pierre Lemaire, Jean-Marie Proth, Maurice Queyranne. Minimizing the number of machines for minimum length schedules.
European Journal of Operational Research
, 2009, 199 (3), pp.702-705.
Gülgün Alpan, Rim Larbi, Bernard Penz. A bounded dynamic programming approach to schedule operations in a cross docking platform.
Computers & Industrial Engineering
, 2011, 60 (3), pp.385-396.
Marwane Bouznif, Rodolphe Giroudeau. Inapproximability and Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithm for UET Tasks on Structured Processor Networks.
Advances in Operations Research
, 2011, 2011, pp.#476939.
Natalia Carolina Duarte Ferrin, Pierre Lemaire, Van-Dat Cung, Iragaël Joly. An Economic Efficiency Analysis of a capacitated vehicule routing problem.
ECCO XXVII - CO 2014 Joint Conference
, European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO). FRA., May 2014, Munich, Germany. 77 p.
Michel Aldanondo, Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Jacques Lamothe. Mass customization, configuration and manufacturing.
Journal of Manufacturing Systems
, 2004, 33 (4), pp.381-388.
Michel Aldanondo, Élise Vareilles, Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Paul Gaborit. Aiding design with constraints: an extension of quad trees in order to deal with piecewise functions.
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
, 2008, 21 (4), pp.353-365.
Michel Aldanondo, Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Guillaume Moynard, Jacques Lamothe. Mass customization and configuration: requirement analysis and constraint based modelling propositions.
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering
, 2003, 10 (2), pp.177-189.
Jacques Lamothe, Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Michel Aldanondo. An optimization model for selecting a product family and designing its supply chain.
European Journal of Operational Research
, 2006, 169 (3), pp.1030-1047.
Pierre David, M. Shawky. Supporting ISO 26262 with SysML, Benefits and Limits.
ESREL 2010
, Sep 2010, Rhodes, Greece. pp.8.
Karim Aroui, Gülgün Alpan, Yannick Frein. Minimizing work overload in mixed model assembly lines: A case study from truck industry.
5th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain Connecting worlds ILS 2014
, Aug 2014, Breda, Netherlands.
Michaël Gabay, Vladimir Kotov, Nadia Brauner. Online bin stretching with bunch techniques.
Theoretical Computer Science
, 2015, 602, pp.103 - 113.
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